SKU: CTP 8535
Sound-spelling Cards provide a framework for understanding how words are constructed in the English language. Each card connects sounds to a related picture and then attaches spelling(s) to the sound and includes: • Upper and lowercase letters (alphabet cards only) • A colorful photograph that illustrates the target sound. The word of the picture is included in small type for reference. • Graphemes—the speaker icon indicates the graphemes section of the card which shows the different ways the sound is spelled • While this is targeted for Gr. K-3, it is perfect for older children and adults. Also great for ELL and ESL! This phonics bulletin board set includes: • 45 sound spelling cards (each 6 x 8 3/4" ) with targeted sounds: alphabet letters, vowels (short vowels, long vowels, r-controlled vowels, vowel digraphs, diphthongs), and consonant digraphs • a title and category header cards for display • explanation of sound-spelling cards